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About UsIntroduction of Hangzhou Dunpai Chain Group Co.,Ltd

Group company obtains products innovations achievements frequently Boosting the enterprise stable development

        In 2013, by the powerful boost of establishing National-recognized enterprise technology center important project, Group company deeply carried out many science and technology innovation activities, focused on products research and development of foresight technology, tried its best to develop various good-performance ,high-quality and high end chain driving products and already obtained abundant achievements in many chain application area, which continuous enlarges the market share of Donghua products in domestic and international markets and already obtained many achievements which strongly boosting the stable development of Donghua.    The important product developing project of Energy saving and new technology automobile CVT chain engineering claimed and carried out by Donghua has already been listed in the 2013 national industrial transformation and upgrading foundation engineering projectof the investment plan of the central government of China and Donghua already overcome many difficulties and develop this new CVT chain sample successfully.    Various products development projects obtained a lot of series important prizes and indentification.PT133F15SLR seal and oil-free escalation chain and P180F4 center lifting chain developed by Donghua were awarded the third prize of Zhejiang mechanical industry science and technology and PT133F15SLR also was listed in the important develop project of Zhejiang provincial high-tech products. For CL04DF3 automobile chain, C2060F77ORK1F2 with seal ring agriculture chain, ST135F17SLR environmental step chain and 160HSPF1-2 high strength bush chain were already put it in mass production by Donghua were awarded as the special prize or excellent prize of self-innovation excellent products of China general mechanical parts and components industry association. The four high end chain new products of transfer case chain EQ2050,P12F1SS nuclear power station pressure line chain,P500F8 circular stacker-reclaimer chain and PT133F16 step chain with oil cup were passed the provincial industry new products certification. Two chain driving products of One type silent chain and The tensioner with monitoring and inspection function for the timing system obtained national invention patents.    In the Hanover international industry exhibition ,The breakthrough product developing planning and aim of  Donghua Max 3 new brand super high performance precision roller chain (Commonly known as super roller chain attracted  many international chain driving industry manufacturers and European OEM end users which means Donghua chains already thoroughly enters the high end chain driving products market of the world and MAX 3 would be the featured product of Donghua in 2014.   Other high end and high performance chain products development also obtained big success and most of their quality& performance already reach international advanced level, such as European market 100USP super strength chain and 20B(SED)heavy duty escalator driving chains ,Hongkong subway PT133F15 with oilcup step escalator chain,C2060F77OR seal agriculture chain for Japan agriculture machine,P450F2 stero parking garage chain ,HX16BF15 series oven conveyor chain and 10B-D1F44 medical machine packaging chain etc.. completely realized  1+N quality aim.    Above are only some important achievements of Donghua in 2013 but it can already prove the big success of Donghua in this area, which is not only the presentation of Donghua technology innovation ability but also increases the strong power for the enterprise sustainable development.  

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